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I find it a privilege being on this planet at the same time as you, and believe we all are here at this time of humanity for a purpose. I hope you will find it interesting getting into conversation with me and my readers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Being hard on myself

"If you´re hard on yourself you´ll never have fun"

I remember as a child my parents were strict on me and my siblings. This was due to their good intentions on making sure we make right decisions in every step of our lives and functioning well in the society. Now I make my own decisions, and as I child I thought "when I grow up, I will not be as strict with life and myself as my parents are", but guess what, I am even more strict towards myself than what my parents have ever been towards me.

If you don´t go easy on yourself, you´ll never find peace. As I am entering new stages of life I am learning that I should be kinder to myself. Because it all starts from you, and if you´re so mean to yourself, you can never have any fun and you can never find peace.

"He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away."
~Raymond Hull

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hadde deg som vikar i Engelsk på ungdomsskolen i fjor. Jeg ble virkelig fascinert av personligheten din, og alt du har oppnådd. Selvom jeg kun hadde deg en time har jeg tenkt mye på deg i ettertid. Du virker så utrolig sikker på deg selv og det du står for uten at du virker overlegen eller arrogant, og det beundrer jeg virkelig. Jeg håper at jeg, en eller annen gang, blir like flink og sikker på meg selv som du gir inntrykk for å være.