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I find it a privilege being on this planet at the same time as you, and believe we all are here at this time of humanity for a purpose. I hope you will find it interesting getting into conversation with me and my readers.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank you I am well!

“How are you doing?”, “Thank you, I am well!”

This is a highly used phrase in our daily lives, a phrase we actually do not expect an honest and elaborated answer to. However, it is one the most common daily phrases used among us all. Often when we ask, it relates to physical health. That is when are able to divide between those who are ill and those who have a health issue to deal with, and if you do not have any physical health issues, then the assumption is that it all is good with you!

Today, we have a broader understanding of the matter of health. Someone who does not have any visible health related issue is not necessarily all through well. What we think of as good health today is highly related to if we are happy with our life situation.

Stress, jealousy and unhappiness within the living and working environment are part of the health definition. We want to be well adjusted within all levels of life in order to be able to say: “ I am well”, it is not enough anymore just the absence of flue and running nose.

Health is the most vital part of our lives. When we are blessed with good health we take it for granted, but as soon as it is taken from us, we realize how vital health is. So having a good health is not only about your physical self, but as much about your spiritual and mental health.

Maybe you would like to do something in order to improve your health, maybe give it attention and treatment? Give some time to your inner self-health. Invest in your self so next time people ask you “How are you doing?”, you can with pleasure and joyful heart say: “ Thank you I am well!”

Book your appointment with Mental & Spiritual Health Coach Elham Binai who will help you to a more satisfying life mentally and spiritually!

0047 98 48 98 28


office: Nedreslottsgate 15, Oslo

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