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I find it a privilege being on this planet at the same time as you, and believe we all are here at this time of humanity for a purpose. I hope you will find it interesting getting into conversation with me and my readers.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Norway wants a Free Iran

This has been a VERY hectic week and we have all witnessed the horrible situation in Iran. Iranians have gathered around the world in order to show their support for the demostrators in Iran.

Norway has been one of these countries. On sunday I created a facebook group calles 'Norway wants a free Iran', today we have over 1600 members, iranians and norwegians supporting our fight for freedom in Iran.
Iranians have met outside the Iranian embassy and the norwegian parliament every single day. I have got to talk to many of them and seen the anger that lies in people, anger hidden for 30 years and suddenly these elections in Iran arose all these hidden emotions.

Information to Norway demostrators:

Saturday the 20th at 12.00 noon outside the parliament (Stortinget) - several members of the norwegian parliament will be there to show their support!

You can become member in 'Norway wants a free Iran'!

Hoping for a better future in Iran!


Anonymous said...

Bu videoya bax!


Mehriban və sevimli Elham, birdə Salam, mən israğagün sənin TV programına baxandan sonra bir comment yazip və sənın bloguna göndərdim, amma commentimi bürda görmirəm.
Videoklippet avslører fusk i valget i presidentvalget i Iran.

Hipp hurra, is i Kjeks og presidentvalget i İran!

Videoklippet avslører at pappa har dårlig tid. Han har en bunke av stemmesedlerpå bordet og fyller dem i all hast. det blir ikke helt feilfritt. faeeeeeeen... roper mannen. Stemmen av en utålmodig jente som spørr pappaen sin om han vil kjøpe henne is i kjeks.
ja kjeks, svarer vesle jenten fnisete.
hmmm... javel, men hva er kjeks Spørr pappa tilbake?


Folk i Iran vil ha is og de vil ha i kjeks,
men iranske myndigheter sier:
De får is men IKKE i kjeks!
Bare i beger!
Beger er best!
for folk flest!
Hilsen, Savalan

Mona said...

I think it is lovely, that you supporte your country this much !
Dont give up hope !

free iran !