Yesterday my grandad shut his eyes to this world, after walking the journey of life for 87 years. He was suffering with cancer for the past year, and was under constant treatment. My family are originally all from the city of Ardebil in Iran, but many have mooved both abroad and around within Iran. In 1986 my grandparents moved to Tehran (Varamin) and remained there untill two months ago. Grandad’s condition was just becoming worse, and he must have realised this is the last year of his life on this earth. They decided to move back to were they were born, and had all their youth memories from. As soon as they moved back to Ardebil his condition became much better, and he was filled with positive energy.
He was able to spend the last 2 months in his home soil, and then God wanted him to enter the gate of heaven. Yesterday he had his last breath in his own hometown.
Since hearing about this the phone has not stopped ringing in our house. Although somehow dad was expecting this to happen anytime soon, but it is hard loosing ones father. Dad remembers back to his memories from Iran, to his childhood, when grandad worked hard day and night to support 10 children, he remembers back to the days when they were visiting us in Norway and all the laughter that grandad brought to our lives.
What I remember of my grandad is that he always used to pray and wish blessings over his children and granchildren. He always made this prayer: ‘I pray that God may bless your home, your family, your children and your life’. When ever we spoke on the phone he used to send his kisses over the phone, and ask how many kisses we wanted. What all of us will always recall of my grandad was his kindness towards everyone. I know he is now in a good place, what is important is that he lived a good life, and is remembered as a good and noble person.
elhamam tasliat migam azizam... ba inke pedar bozorgeto aslan nadidam vali kheilii narahat shodam..mano hamishe sharike ghamet bedoon and happiness indeed ;)
I'm really sorry about your Grandad Elham jan , God bless you and rest of your dear family.....
sara va niusha , merci azizanam.dosteton daram.
You can see the kindness in his eyes. I am so proud to be his grandchild, and to carry his great name BINAI-FAAL. He always wanted the best for everybody, I have never heard him say anything bad about anybody. As his grandchildren, we have alot to learn from him. I know he's in a good place now, and I hope to hold him in my arms again one day. AGHA JOON (grandad in persian) till then you'll be in my heart and thoughts!!!
I love you!!!
Agha joon nechadana? dortdana....mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah!!!!
I enjoyed reading this blog and I know we will all miss him very much but I just wanted to tell you that this is the exact date he was born: August 30, 1920(so that would make him 87 years old) and also they lived in Varamin not Tehran.
Uncle Vahid, thank you for correcting me,I've made the changes.Love u all
elham jun kheili tasliat migam , vaghean kheili kheili narahat shodam az shenidane in khabar. midunam az daste dadane pedar bozorg makhsusan be in mehrabuni rahat nist khodavand vaghean ba shoma bashe. kheili dust dashtam ke mididameshun , chun vaghean tarifesho kheili az navid va baba shenide budam .
take care sis
boos boos
Taslit va rohesh shad../
I'm so sorry to hear that - Bala.
Elham Jaan,
Kheili motoassefam keh pedar bozorgeto az dast daadi. Beh khodet va khaanevadeye geraamit tassliyat arz mikonam va omidvaram keh dar in ayam-e sakht, aramesh Khodavand baa shoma azizan bashe.
Omidvaram keh khoobihay-e Pedarbozorget va khaaterat-e khoob gozashteh beh shoma azizan ghovat va delgarmi bedeh.
Love you and your family lots,
thanx to each one of you for leaving comment,sending mail,and just being with us in thought and prayer during this time.
Dear Elahm; I am so sorry for this news ; May His grace be with you and your family...
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
very touching...he will be proud of you
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