Today I attended one of the most challenging, but fun courses at the training studio were I work out. During the class the instructor asked us all; “What did you do today that you can be proud of?” Sometimes I wrongly think we need to have a certain big achievement in life in order to become proud of ourselves, but in order to enjoy the pleasure of big achievements I need to enjoy the pleasure and excitement of small goals in my daily life. So what was I proud of today? I know you are thinking, are we going to start bragging about ourselves, no I don’t think it is about bragging, I think it is about becoming self aware and thinking of ourselves as valuable and someone that you can be proud of (in a humble manner).
At the training studio today I pushed my limit to keep on working out even though my whole body and mind wanted to stop, I am very proud of haven challenged myself.

Today I was proud of myself for being able to resist all the shops on Oxford Street, went to only ONE shop and didn't buy anything.
and instead of eating Burger King, I bought a healthy slice of vegetarian pizza.
i believe in yourself it makes you a little bit selfish but sorry for losing a minute and not learning something it would be helpful, i know its negative way but you will achieve something.
believing in yourself does not mean becoming selfish or thinking you are better than others. it is being aware of your skills, abilities, being aware of who you are as a person. and just loving yourself - this has got nothing to do with your relationship with others.
this is about valueing YOU!
you are worth it!
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