Yesterday I made a voluntarily visit to the dentist in order to have my left wisdom tooth pulled out. Two weeks ago I had to rush to the dentist as it was infected, and truly wanted to get out of my big mouth. Ok, so what is the big deal with me visiting my dentist? Let me make it clear that my dentist is happily married, so he is not the reason me visiting the dentist this often :)
My wisdom tooth has made me think about life in a new manner. I think sometimes we have wisdom teeth in our lives. They are stuck way back, and may not be visible, but it might start pushing its way forward, and hurting the other teeth, or becoming infected like in my case, so you end up having to go on antibiotics, like I did, and finally getting it pulled out. Let me tell you it was not the most pleasant experience, I had anesthetic, and did not even feel my ear or eyes, then the action started with pulling of my mouth in all sorts of direction in order to get the tooth out, pull forward, backward, up, down, oh my God, I wanted to scream, but turns out it is actually not very easy to scream when you have your mouth wide open, with all sorts of tools stuck in it. Finally it was out, and a feeling of relief caught me.

I believe sometimes in life we are carrying something that must be pulled out, it might even be infected, and if we do not pay attention to the infection it will spread itself to rest of our bodily functions. Often we need assistance in order to pull the infected tooth out, it hurts, believe me it does, but it has to be done. I believe often in life we are faced with situations that will hurt if we choose to make a change, but we know it has to be done, and “a visit to the dentist” has to be made in order to pull it out. The pain does not fade right away, I am now still in pain, and constantly on pain killers, but I know it will not last long, as the worse is now over, and I can get on with my life.
The teeth that must be pulled out in our lives can be a bad habit, a thought we are carrying, or maybe even a person that has or will have a negative effect in our lives. Get the tooth out!!

totally agree. surprisingly I had the same experience yesterday. Of course it was not my wisdom tooth. I had a little operation on my gum as the previous dentist spoiled it by irresponsible and inexperienced dental implant. Now I fill better though my jaw bone is inflated. As you partially mentioned this pain is more bearable as we know we are getting better and the bad is removed from us whatever it is whether an infected tooth or a bad friend. By the way, you didn't mentioned May Day :-)
totally agree. surprisingly I had the same experience yesterday. Of course it was not my wisdom tooth. I had a little operation on my gum as the previous dentist spoiled it by irresponsible and inexperienced dental implant. Now I fill better though my jaw bone is inflated. As you partially mentioned this pain is more bearable as we know we are getting better and the bad is removed from us whatever it is whether an infected tooth or a bad friend. By the way, you didn't mentioned May Day :-)
Dear elham, its not about the tooth, dont blame on your tooth. its about you getting old and you havent said"Ba ejaze bozorgtara Bale" yet.:)anyway i cant wish you a new tooth but wish you less pain.
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