This is what we do on Christmas eve, 24th December, as that is the day which everyone celebrates in Scandinavia. For breakfast mum makes rise porridge, and the tradition is to put a almond in it, and it is a competition of who ever finds the almond will get a prize. This year one of our guests won, but she kept it secret, untill we all were sick of eating too much porridge.
In the afternoon we go to our local church, and that is a great time to see old friends, as everyone has come to spend Christmas with their relatives in town. This year our Senior Pastor asked me to read the Christmas message in Norwegian. After singing songs and chatting with friends, we go home, and prepare for dinner. Our tradition is to have turkey for Christmas eve dinner. Therafter while having desert, we start opening the presents. When I was younger this used to be my favourite part of Christmas eve, but as time goes I just enjoy the time we spend together. So here comes my favourite part of the evening. When we were all sitting together each one of us said something about the year that passed (both good and bad) and what our expectations and goals are for the new year. Every single of us talked and then each one of us made a comment about the person who talked, about their year, and how we see their new year coming. This is my favourite part of Christmas eve, as this is what brings us together, and brings our goals and lives closer.
I am very greatful that God has granted me a family, no we are not perfect, and we are not trying to be perfect (actually that is what I said for 2008, that I have to learn not to expect perfectionism from myself), and I dont think we need to be perfect in order to love and accept each other just the way we have been created. I love Christmas, not just because of the Christmas songs, the gifts, the parties, good food, they are all good, but I love it, because that is an other time for me and my family to get together and say we love each other!
Hi Elham jan;
Oh you have updated your writings.
I’m so glad to hear you have a descent happy family gathering around and enjoying their time.
That’s correct and there is no such a thing as so called “perfection” and the only perfect being is God.
Attempting towards any perfection is very good for people though because it makes them attain better qualities in life.
Nice photo, by the way.
All the best,
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I like what you wrote. The meaning of christmas changes the older you get. I was very exctied about coming home and just being with you guys, because during the year we don't see eachother that often.
My favourite part of the night was also when we sat and talked for hours about 07 and 08, and told eachother what we felt and encouraged eachother. As a family that is very important, you need to hear that you are loved and what your family think of you (of course they love you and want the best, but I was surprised of some of the things that was said about me, GOOD SURPRISED). Didn't know you guys thought I was mature, lol..
I love you all from the bottom of my heart and you are my world. Nothing is more important than having a loving family in life.
Hi Elham !
Hope you're doing good !
I just wanted to drop you a line and say that it was me on orkut that you rejected...
Hope everything's well with you.
Take care,
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